Thursday, January 13, 2011


The mass move from one place to another place, one country to another country that types of movement is called migrations .there are two types of migration . They are as given below
*Internal migration
*External migration
Internal migration is that movement which migrate one place to another place with in country like as move to bharatpur to Katmandu for the settle, biratnagar to narayanghad where we get facility.
External migration is that movement for facility & settle like Nepal to japan, India to Nepal .


There are so many types of game in our society. Game can make us healthy & active. Some games are like as volleyball, badminjton, chess, football, carramboard, tabletannis, and swimming among them football is one. Football is the most popular game in the world. Football is interesting games between two team .There are 18 players in a football team when to play in the ground has 11 is player in a team other is extra player. If in a game one player got an accident in that condition change the player .which is sited extra player. The game period is 90 min. In that period which has more goals that team is winner. This game increases the rate of running.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Student life

There are so many stages of human life of this is student life which is the most important part of our life . the stage of student is known as the golden stage of our life .
student life is begin from the 1st day of our school.we learn a lots of important useful things in this stage .the one things which is always with us in our daily life is our education . we most learn good behavior build of capacity & develop leadership to lead the society & country. life is unsuccessful without hard labour student should learn everything which they need for their bright future.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The radio is a piece of technology .it allows people to communicate to each other from great distances and far away places. Radio has helped revolutionize the way communication is today by influencing other pieces of technology like walkie-talkies, cell phones, and other forms of wireless communications. I think that the radio has had a huge impact in our society and our way of life..this is the useful communication. It helps to khow the condation news of many more country.


This is a age of computer so the basic knowledge and skill of computer is an essential requirementin a person to any field.We canbelieve computer enables thepresent generation to face the challanges of the competitive world in an easy way.The word"computer" is derived from the latin word "computare" which means 'to calculate'.We all nee to perform mathematical calculation in our day to day life. When the calculations is simple,we feel easy and can perform the calculation accurately in short time.But complex calculations take much longer time and the accuracy is not always 100%.So, man explored wit6h the ideas tio develop a machine which can perform this type of arithmetic calculation faster and full of accuracy.This gave birth to a new device or machine called 'computer'. The computer we see today is quite different from the one made in the beginning. The modern computers hjave a lot of capabilities which made them one of the essential device in the modern age.


Tax is comulsory levy from individuals households and firm to central or local government.It is simply a liability.
It is a compoulsory contribution from the tax payers.Tax is computed and paid as prescribed in the law.
Tax is major sources of revenuesin the developed world and has been appearing asan important source of revenue in the developing world as well.
It has been an instrument of social and economic policy for the government.
Tax can be classified into two broa categories; first is direct tax and second one is indirect tax.


Friendship is a gift.It is said that one should have at least a friend in every town.
it shows the significance of a friend in our life.Atrue friendship is beyond any
kind of relations,may be beond the blood relation.Hence,cultivate have
a friend is to make life easiar an richer.A friend is a present that you cannot pickup
afriend in purchase.You cannot compel anyone to be your friend .You have to discover
a friend

Friends are often lost by a single thoughtness act.sometimes misunerstanding psions
for the friendship.the more you become bollyning boss,the more you lose your true freinds
friend are made by many must grow up to deserve a friend to have a frirnds
you must have friendliness in you;you must be selfless and loving ,with deep concern
for others.Learn to speak softly with words of love and to express love in action is
the requriment for gathering more and more friends.Remember that a friend in needs
is a friend indeed,so a true friends can be recognised at the time of sorrow and hardship

Siddartha Gautam

Siddartha Gautam, who is known as Buddha,he was born in Kapilvastu,Lumbini, Nepal about 563 BC. He was the son of two important great people. His father’s name was Shuddhodana, King of the Sakyas. His mother’s queen maya,.” Siddhartha got his name from one of his mother’s dreams. Her dream was that an elephant with 6 tusks, carrying a lotus flower in its trunk, touched the right side of queen maya’s body. Gautam Buddha want to make the world peaceful.siddartha told that not to quarrel in small matter . not to kill living thing, be always helpful. He was so kind & helpful person we are so happy because he was born in Nepal which is lies between India & china

Monday, January 10, 2011


Education is the light of every human being.The uneducated person is like an animal with out tail and hunt.Getting education is the firstright and also we can say that it is the  first necessity of the every person. Education is the thing that help  us to walk in right way and help us to make our future bright. since from the childhood we started to get education before we die. Getting education mean not only having education from school and college, we get education from every where and every person who are sorrounding us.  We can say that most of the educated person are honest and co-operative. They feel prideness them selves and they work confidently ther daily works.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Nepal is a small developing country. Nepal is economically poor but rich the place where lord Buddha the god of peace was born  In the map of the world Nepal takeover small place but in the heart of every person of the world it is stay from a long time.the person who live in Nepal is call NEPALI,Nepali are honest co-operative and helpful so all  Nepali feel prideful by their own selves.