Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Friendship is a gift.It is said that one should have at least a friend in every town.
it shows the significance of a friend in our life.Atrue friendship is beyond any
kind of relations,may be beond the blood relation.Hence,cultivate friends.to have
a friend is to make life easiar an richer.A friend is a present that you cannot pickup
afriend in purchase.You cannot compel anyone to be your friend .You have to discover
a friend

Friends are often lost by a single thoughtness act.sometimes misunerstanding psions
for the friendship.the more you become bollyning boss,the more you lose your true freinds
friend are made by many acts.you must grow up to deserve a friend to have a frirnds
you must have friendliness in you;you must be selfless and loving ,with deep concern
for others.Learn to speak softly with words of love and to express love in action is
the requriment for gathering more and more friends.Remember that a friend in needs
is a friend indeed,so a true friends can be recognised at the time of sorrow and hardship

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